Our skin changes with age. That’s for sure. But how do you keep your skin fit, and what procedures or skincare routines will help? Take a look at what the expert has revealed.
A face like a mirror of health
We all have one thing in common. We long for beauty, perfection and we try to keep it for as long as possible. But the fact that we cannot achieve the ideal we desire is, above all, our fault.
Yes, we can actually blame ourselves for premature aging, acne, dehydrated skin, or many wrinkles.
We often commit several transgressions, which are responsible for the completely unnecessary raising of our age. And we forget what is extremely important for the skin and ensures its elasticity. Especially that in every period of life, our skin needs something different.
Although genetics and the external factors that affect the skin play a significant role in our skin condition, there are certain problems that most women suffer from at an individual age and that need to be addressed, whether at home during skincare routines or when visiting a beauty salon.
The reason is that we profile ourselves hormonally all our lives and this, among other things, changes the quality of our skin and the treatments that benefit us. The professional experts will give you the best advice on what skincare routine is most effective for your skin type. It’s good to have your skin analyzed and find out what it really needs.
Skincare after the age of 20
The most important thing for young skin (20 years) is to create a skincare routine and not neglect it just because it does not yet show imperfections. At this age, the skin is creating memory, and even though you do not have to worry about acne, wrinkles, or other skin problems, the ground rules of skincare are thorough makeup removal and regular skin cleansing. Even if we do not use makeup. You also need to get used to hydration and the use of protective SPF factors.
If you decide to find a specialist, you should choose skin treatments that support the deep cleaning of deposits in your pores. They become clogged the most during this period. This is why peeling is excellent for removing skin cells that die naturally. Only the professional beautician can remove them properly and thus support skin renewal. The beautician should not forget the massage during the treatment, which beautifully perfuses the skin and stimulates collagen production. This is very important after the age of 25.
Of course, if you have acne skin, regular cleansing, already mentioned peeling, and products containing salicylic acid are needed, which disinfects and soothes the skin. The most important thing at this age is not to postpone problems until later.
Skincare after the age of 30
Around the age of 30, the first signs of aging appear – fine wrinkles, dehydration, hyperpigmentation, blemishes, or dilated coils. The skin already produces less sebum at this age, so hydration is essential, which prevents the faster formation of small wrinkles.
Regular intake of vitamin Cis also great for your skin because it softens acne scars, reduces hyperpigmentation, supports collagen production, and has perfect anti-inflammatory effects. At this age, you should go for treatments that hydrate the skin, have a vitamin content, and cleanse the skin.
At a minimum, this should be done once a month by alternating classic treatments aimed at hydrating and softening wrinkles with the more intense ones, such as non-invasive mesotherapy.
Skincare after the age of 40
At the age of 40, the skin slowly ages, more significant changes appear, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, hyperpigmentation, and significantly reduced sebum production. In dry skin, the level of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases. Collagen gives your skin strength and elasticity, and hyaluronic acid hydrates your skin.
At this age, you must not neglect the SPF factor and the intake of vitamins, especially vitamin C, which maintains a youthful appearance, promotes collagen production, protects the skin from sun damage, reduces dark circles under the eyes, and improves hydration and elasticity. Vitamin A is also important. Retinol, which professionals call a beauty vitamin, is needed for cell renewal, eliminates toxic substances, and supports collagen production.
If you are already at the age of 40+, you should include frequent and intensive skin massages into your skincare routines, which can gently lift your skin, and it is the beautician who knows how to perform it most effectively. For treatments at this age, it is necessary to include the neck and décolleté, not just focus on the face. Aging has the same effect on these parts. It is very suitable to apply mesotherapy, chemical peeling to remove dead parts, and red LED light therapy, which can be combined with any anti-age treatment and has beneficial effects in slowing down the formation of wrinkles.
Factors negatively affecting our skin:
- Lack of sleep
- Poor water drinking regime
- Diets
- Stress
- Lots of refined sugar
- Excessive amounts of caffeine
- Alcohol